In 2023, I dreamed of opening a true NYC-style pizzeria. So I flew solo to New York, no plan, just full of passion to learn from a real New Yorker. All the credit goes to Jenny, my amazing female mentor! And now, exactly a year later, my business plan is ready.

Hope’s Pizza pop-ups have been running successfully for half a year, but I’m ready for the next step: a permanent location, which will open in the spring of 2025. To make this happen, I’m launching a crowdfunding campaign. Will you help? Together, we can make this a reality!

Email me and I'll send you the full information and the numbers. Do you have more questions? I’d be happy to stop by with a Hope’s pizza and tell you all about it.

The first steps have been taken! I’ve found a location on Leenderweg, and the owner is excited about my ideas. I’ve been in touch with the municipality, and getting the right permits won’t be an issue. I’m busy shaping everything, from marketing to the toilets.

I’m starting crowdfunding within my own network. The best part would be making this happen together with you. Donate, lend, or share it with your network. And if you help, you’ll get a giant pizza party with natural wine at the opening!

But no pressure—do what feels right. It’ll all work out. Sharing is gold (and glitter).

Love and pizza,
Jess Oberlin

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